Our Urban Forest
A Breath of Fresh Air
The Planet's Air Conditioner
Tree Power
Native Californians
Fruit Trees in the City
The Right Tree for the Right Spot
Caring for Our Trees
Trees have rights too!
Three Things YOU Can Do To Help Our Urban Forest!
Fruit Trees in the City
While most of us do not eat acorns from oak trees, if you eat almonds or apples you rely on fruiting trees for food. Some fruit trees that grow well in San Francisco's warmer neighborhoods are: fig, lemon, pineapple guava, carob, avocado and small plum. Other fruit trees like banana and mango cannot grow in San Francisco at all. There is either not enough sun for their fruits to ripen or it does not get cold enough for their fruit to set. Keep in mind that there are many different kinds or varieties of the same type of fruit and some varieties will do better in our city than others. Also, in San Francisco, fruit trees can only be planted in people's yards, not as street trees.