Local Food is Good Food
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Trains, Trucks, and Pollution
Wasting Nature
Locally Grown Food
Fresh and Healthy
Seasonal Foods
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Farmers Markets
Fresh and Healthy
Locally grown produce is fresher than food that traveled
a long distance. It can take up to one or two weeks for food
to reach the grocery store, yet produce from nearby farms
is often sold within 24 hours of harvesting! Eating fresh
fruits and vegetables tastes great and is healthier for you
too. That's because local food sits around for less time before
it is sold, so it contains more nutrients. Nutrients
are vitamins and other healthy things like calcium and fiber
that keep our bodies fit and strong. Local food also has fewer
preservatives than food that traveled a long distance.
Preservatives are chemicals that help keep food from spoiling
or going bad. Unfortunately, most preservatives are not healthy
for us to eat.