
Lending library, curricula, & other educational materials (grades K-12)

Lending Library

San Francisco educators may use our lending library, which includes recycling curricula and environmental educational materials.
Materials Available
How to borrow materials from our library:
- Who can borrow materials?
All San Francisco educators.
- Is a deposit required?
Yes, with each new loan, a $50.00 returnable deposit is required. Please make checks payable to "The City and County of San Francisco." If materials are not returned by the due date or are lost, borrowers may choose to either replace items or have deposit checks cashed.
- How many items can be borrowed at one time?
- Up to 3 videos per teacher
- 1 kit for making recycled paper
- No more than 5 items (books, videos and kit) total
- How are the materials obtained?
SFUSD Teachers:
Use inter-school mail to send in checks, receive and return materials. Call (415) 355-3712 to reserve materials. When using inter-school mail, make sure the materials are sent out at least 3 days before the due date specified on the material.
All inter-school mail should be sent to:
SF Environment School Education Program
11 Grove St
San Francisco, CA 94102
Private School Teachers:
Please call 355-3712 to reserve materials, and to set up an appointment to pick up and return materials to the library. We will accept the deposit check at that time.
- Where is the library?
The library is in the ECO Center of the SF Environment office at 11 Grove Street. Please call 355-3712 ahead of time to set up an appointment to view the library. The entrance to the ECO Center is directly across from the Main Library. Please see a map for directions to the library.

Curricula & Other Educational Materials

The School Education Program offers a multitude of educational materials at no cost. If you are interested in ordering any of our materials, please contact us at (415) 355-3712, or write to us at: SF Environment School Education Program, 11 Grove St, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
Audio-Visual Materials
- Tina's Journal:
A 17-minute video produced for middle and high school students in San Francisco. Entertaining, upbeat and contemporary, the video will inspire middle and high school students to think about resource issues such as waste reduction, recycling, and closing the recycling loop. Copies are available from our library for loan. Tina's Journal is also available for purchase by contacting the Video Project at (510) 655-9050 or by visiting them at http://www.igc.apc.org/videoproject
Printed Materials
- Closing the Loop:
A K-6 curriculum that provides students with a broad exposure to the importance of reducing, reusing, recycling, composting, and buying recycled through project-based learning. This curriculum is not only hands-on and interdisciplinary, but it is also correlated to the state's content standards. Interested educators can receive a copy by attending a free training workshop.
- Resource Cycles:
A curriculum designed for use with grades 6-12, "Resource Cycles", is now available. It is a 150-page curriculum with 20 lesson plans that can be integrated into science, social studies, math, and language arts classes as well as used in units on recycling, reuse, waste reduction, composting, toxics, natural resources, and packaging. It is available for free to San Francisco educators. "Resource Cycles" is also available in Chinese.
- Newsletter:
The newsletter Green Times is produced semi-annually (Fall and Spring) and is distributed to all public and private school teachers in San Francisco. It contains lesson ideas, recycling information, workshop and educational resources, and current waste management news. The newsletter also promotes educational programs offered to teachers by local organizations.
- Supplementary Teaching Materials:
Many activities, booklets and brochures are available for free to San Francisco educators. They include: "How Paper is Made," and "The Environmental Lunch Activity".
