San Francisco Wildlife
The Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
California Clapper Rail
Western Snowy Plover
Bay Checkerspot Butterfly
SF Garter Snake
Five things YOU can do to help protect SF wildlife!
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Five things YOU can do to help protect San Francisco wildlife!
In order to protect these animals from disappearing forever, we need to protect their natural habitat or homes.
- Don't dump poisons down the drain. Household items like used motor oil, house paint and pesticides contain toxic chemicals or poisons that can hurt the environment. Don't dump these items down the drain or out on the street. Ask your parents to drop them off at the Hazardous Waste Facility.
- Trade in your mercury thermometer for a digital one. Mercury thermometers contain mercury-one of the most poisonous substances on earth. Mercury fact sheet. If one broken thermometer ends up in our bay, the mercury can pollute millions of gallons of water and poison the fish that live there. You can ask your parents to bring their mercury thermometers to the following places. In exchange, they will receive a FREE digital thermometer. Visit:
- SF Environment Eco Center
11 Grove Street, SF, CA (415) 355-3700
- UCSF Millberry Union Bookstore
500 Parnassus Avenue.
- Don't litter! Properly throw away or compost the things you can't recycle.
When trash like plastic bags ends up in our bay, they can kill seals and sea lions if swallowed. Recycle all paper, metal cans, glass containers and plastic bottles. Put them into the blue recycling carts at home and at school. More recycling information and composting information.
- Plant native plants in your garden. If an animal is originally from this area, then it probably depends on the native plants that have been growing here for thousands of years. Learn about plants that are native to the San Francisco Bay Area and plant some in your garden or window box.
- Help restore local creeks and marshes. You can work with local groups that help restore native animal habitat like marshes and creeks. Get your family and school involved! For more information try these links:
Visit these sites for more information on animals!